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Privacy Policy


You may be aware that on 25 May 2018 certain legal changes will come into effect in the UK concerning data protection and privacy.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR as it is more commonly known) all businesses or organisations that hold personal data on clients or customers are required to provide such clients or customers with certain information in relation to the

lawful grounds for the business to continue to process (use) such personal data.


For clarity and confirmation in this document "we ","us" and "our" means AP-it and " you " and "your" means any prospective client, active individual client either residential or business or any website visitor of AP-it.


In order to fulfil and comply with the GDPR obligations we have drawn up this Privacy Policy which clearly sets out how we collect and process (use) your personal data, for what purpose we use your data, the legal grounds for holding and using such data, how

we keep your data secure and your rights in relation to such data.


AP-it is the data controller under GDPR and we are responsible for the personal data that we hold.


Our email address is and our postal address is 16 Cobbold Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1UZ.



The  personal data we collect, hold and use is confined to basic personal details such as name, address, telephone number and email address. We do not collect or hold any Sensitive data about you (Sensitive data is clearly defined and detailed by GDPR).


It is very important that the data we hold about you is accurate and up to date at all times. Please let us know if at any time your personal data changes by emailing us at

We will only use your personal data when legally permitted to do so and in our case the use of your personal data is limited to :-


 * us contacting you to respond to your request or enquiry for support or service and the provision of such support or service and then        to invoice you subsequently for such support or service  provided .


* us contacting you to perform any contract between us (normally for business customers)

* us contacting you for marketing purposes to advise you of future product releases, upgrades and promotions for which you have             given us consent.


* us keeping your  personal data on file to be able to continue providing support for which you have given us consent or if you have             specifically requested us to keep your data on file.


* us contacting you to advise any changes to our business terms or to this privacy policy.


We do not sell or otherwise provide your personal data to any third parties and we do not share your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes.  We would however provide your personal data to third party service providers, only at your request, to facilitate your access to a new service not provided directly by us. 


We would provide your personal data if legally required to do so to comply with a legal or regulatory request or obligation. In the unlikely event of this happening we would immediately advise you of such provision.


You will receive marketing communications from us if you have opted -in either electronically or by consent on a job sheet to receive such communications.  You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time by emailing us at  and any such opt out will not apply to your personal data provided to us in respect of a product purchase or supply by us,  any warranty registration we provide to you or any other transaction between you and us.


For clarity generally we do not rely on consent as a legal ground for processing (using) your personal data other than in relation to sending you marketing communications via email or text message. You have the right to withdraw consent to receive  marketing

communications at any time as detailed above.


We do ask clients/ prospective clients /potential future clients to positively opt in and do not use pre-ticked boxes or any other type of consent by default. We do keep a record of when consent was received and similarly of when (if) a request for withdrawal of consent

is received and when such a withdrawal request was actioned.



We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.  In addition access to your data is strictly limited to us or any specific contractor authorised and contracted by us to provide holiday or illness cover for business clients on our behalf and any such contractor is subject to this Privacy policy and to a duty of confidentiality.

We have also put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you immediately if we become aware of any such occurrence .In addition we will notify the applicable regulator ( in the UK the IPC see later information) where we

are legally required to do so.



We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose we originally obtained  /collected it for including for the purpose of satisfying any legal or accounting requirements.


If you decide to cease to be a client of us at any time you can request that we erase your personal data from our records and we will do so at your request and advise you that this has been done.


Under normal circumstances we will erase your personal data from our records 6 months after we provided the last service/support to you unless you have given consent to us to keep your data on file to be able to continue to provide support or if you have specifically requested that we keep these data on file.


If we do keep your data on file at your request or consent you have the right to request revocation of your consent or request at any time, we will keep a note of when any such revocation request is received and also of when the request was actioned.


Any personal data you enter by visiting the website and asking us to contact you will be treated by us exactly as detailed in this policy as if you were already an active existing client or customer.


Your personal data is protected and you have the legal rights as detailed in this policy.


If you use the website you should be aware and take note of the fact that the website may from time to time provide links to other websites.  We have no control over any such websites and are not responsible for the content of these websites.


This privacy policy does not extend to your use of such websites and we have no knowledge or information about such websites for example as to whether they are GDPR compliant.  You are  therefore strongly advised to carefully read the privacy policy of any

such websites prior to using them and to pay particular attention to the potential use of your personal data.


Under certain circumstances you have rights under UK data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to :


 * Request access, correction or erasure to /of your personal data.


 * Object to processing (use) of your personal data.


 * Request restriction to processing (use) of your personal data.


 * Withdraw your consent for either marketing communications or support or both.


You can see more about these rights at: organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-

gdpr/individual rights



If you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect or use your data ,you have the right  to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) which is the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues  ( should however be

grateful if you would contact us first if you do have a complaint so that we can try to resolve it for you.



This policy (AP-it Privacy policy Doc 01, April 2018) was written by and approved by AP-it for issue and use as detailed below :

Approved on behalf of AP-it :

              Andrew Perry                                             Date


 ................................................... on       ... 25th October 2022...     





AP-it Privacy Policy Doc 001, April 2018

This policy will be regularly reviewed and if necessary modified/updated.

Next review date  25 May 2025.

Privacy Policy
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